Computational Analysis

Experimental Techniques

Innovation and Experience
"It doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is, it doesn't matter how smart you are. If it doesn't agree with the experiment, it's wrong."

-Richard Feynman

There can be no doubt about the influence and contributions of high performance computing, from predicting weather to IBM's Watson on Jeopardy, simulations have so much fidelity they tend to become "reality".

At TezlaTec we believe one properly executed experiment is worth a thousand expert opinions.

The true nature of physics and engineering can only be revealed through a healthy balance of computation, analysis and experiment.

Either in a lead role or in a supporting capacity, TezlaTec is prepared to make the project successful.

We're in-it-to-win-it !

Through teaming and collaborative efforts with government, academia and industry, our prominent scientists, engineers, and technologists focus on creating solutions to critical challenges.

  • Analysis can be performed using tools such as SPICE and FEMM.
  • Custom codes can be generated using Fortran, Excel, and Matlab.

  • Novel experiments can be conducted using nearly 1 MJ of readily configurable, capacitor-based pulse forming equipment.
  • Sensors are available to make transient measurements.
  • Site-services also include basic and advanced machining and manufacturing.